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Project Management

Project management is the core of what we do, and is the basis of every successful software project. From detailed planning, budgeting and scheduling at the outset. Through continuous monitoring, review and adaptation as the project proceeds. To post-implementation reviews of the effectiveness of the solution, and it's continued evolution and enhancement.

We are happy to provide end-to-end management of your entire software project - including liaison with, and co-ordination of, third-party suppliers and contributors. This may involve procurement and installation of additional software and hardware, performance and functional evaluations of market-ready solutions, or integrated bespoke developments with 'external' software suppliers.

Our level of involvement in your project is entirely up to you - dependent upon the project scope and the levels of expertise available within your organisation or sourced from elsewhere.

The key to good project management is communication. Internal communication is achieved through regular progress review meetings between software engineers. Communication with clients is achieved through sharing project plans, regular progress reports, site meetings and update calls.

We aim to keep you up-to-date with everything we are doing throughout the project life-cycle. Clients are able to speak directly to the software engineers working on their project, whenever they want. We don't hide ourselves away behind helpdesks or account managers. We're always available on the other end of the phone.

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