Lastic GUI is a high perfomance Graphical User Interface, enabling Windows functionality to be added to your Caché / M applications quickly and easily.
It consists of design-time and run-time components.

Lastic GUI Builder, a visual form design facility, enables you to construct user interfaces in minutes. All form parameters are held centrally within the Caché / M database, minimising software maintenance and distribution problems.
Event-handlers at the form and control level are associated with your own application routines on the host Caché / M system. Your preferred Caché / M routine editor can be used for all your application coding.
At run-time, your applications invoke the required forms and perform the necessary event processing.
Database driver software on the host Caché / M system provides the network communication link between your application code and a minimal resource EXE routine on the client PC.
The PC and driver software are responsible for building and populating the application forms, triggering the application's event handlers and providing the gateway to PC network resources (files, printers, desktop applications, etc.).
True Windows functionality through a few simple function calls.
Migration from Legacy Systems
Since Lastic GUI is not data-dictionary based and the developer has total control over global updating, the software can be freely intermixed with existing applications - enabling any conversion of legacy software to be performed at your own pace rather than as a single 'big-bang'.
Furthermore, Lastic GUI includes an ANSI emulator enabling legacy applications to be operated from the same logon.
System Requirements
The PC software will operate on any machine running Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. It requires less than 1 Mbyte of disk storage (including MS-Windows library routines ). It does not require a Caché / M database on the PC.
The database driver software is written in ANSI Standard Mumps (1990) and will run on all major Caché / M implementations and hardware platforms.