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Specialists in Caché & Object Oriented System Solutions

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Caché and M

Lastic specialise in the use of CACHÉ technology from InterSystems - a high performance post-relational database and rapid application development (RAD) environment.

Caché provides extraordinary transaction processing speed, massive scalability and typically requires less hardware and involves lower maintenance overheads than it's competitors, resulting in a low total cost of ownership. It provides a huge degree of interoperability with other technologies and is portable across all major operating systems (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS-X, and OpenVMS) without requiring any changes in application code.

Lastic use Caché as the foundation on which to build your software solution. Our years of experience and expertise with Caché technology allows us to quickly and easily build robust, reliable and effective applications. Business software you can trust.

Caché is based upon, and extends, a number of earlier M (Mumps) technology implementations which, whilst no longer actively marketed or enhanced, are still to be found deployed on a huge number of client sites - running legacy applications.

Lastic are happy to provide development and support services for most of these M implementations, and will also assist and advise on upgrades to Caché.

All Lastic products run on any M implementation (including Caché) supporting the 1990 ANSI standard.

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