Our Approach
Lastic's clients are all different. In terms of their line of work, their size, their IT infrastructure and levels of technical expertise. Most importantly, however, they all have differing requirements.
How we help you will depend largely on what you need. We don’t make too many assumptions about our clients, because our 'added value' comes from analysing and understanding the unique and idiosyncratic nature of your business.
That said, there are a number of principles that define our approach to software development.

We're interested in solving problems, overcoming inefficencies and making your business work better. To do this, we devise solutions which fit the need. We don't invent requirements to inflate budgets or use some new technology simply because it's the latest 'fad' in the industry. You'd be amazed at how many software houses are guilty of this. We do exactly, and only, what is required for you. And we're always happy to explain how and why we make the decisions we do.

We believe that good software always requires detailed planning. Right from the very beginning of a project, we will work with you to help devise a comprehensive plan of what needs to be done, when and by whom. Dependent on your needs, this may include gathering initial requirements and defining the overall project scope, establishing performance benchmarks, identifying and analysing third-party software and hardware suitability, devising development schedules, testing and quality assurance procedures, plus implementation and maintenance plans.
Only with a detailed plan can we ensure that our project estimates are based on technical reality rather than wishful thinking. Only with a detailed plan can we be sure that the initial project estimates are adhered to.
We're also aware that things rarely stay the same. People change their minds. Requirements evolve. Budgets get cut. We understand that, no matter how detailed the initial plan, some changes are inevitable and unavoidable. Should such changes occur midway through a project, we will work with you to modify and adapt the plan accordingly.

We also believe that clear and concise communication with our clients is integral to every successful software project. Ideas, business issues and technical matters need to be discussed and conveyed in a way which is relevant and meaningful to the recipient. We won't get too technical with those who don't need (or want) to know, but we will with those who do.
Throughout the project lifecycle, we will produce all required documentation with the target audience in mind - the content and language adjusted accordingly to ensure each stakeholder can understand clearly and without ambiguity.