Company Profile
Lastic Limited, founded in 1989, is a UK-based business and IT services provider, specialising in Caché and M (Mumps) technologies.
We deliver software solutions for large and small organisations. Our client base is diverse, including (amongst others) government departments, charities, financial institutions, manufacturers, law firms, healthcare services and retail operators. Such diversity ensures that we can always offer fresh ideas and an objective viewpoint, no matter what your line of work.

We provide a comprehensive range of services, encompassing all aspects of your software project, including bespoke application development, project management, consultancy and systems audit.
Our forte is difficult projects. Our clients typically have complex requirements and high performance expectations. We pride ourselves on our ability to solve the most unusual and complicated problems - often where others have failed.
We have been using M technology (the predecessor to Caché) continuously since the first published standard (1977). So it's fair to say that we possess a depth of knowledge and experience unsurpassed anywhere in the Caché / M community.
We aim to help our clients operate more efficiently and compete more effectively. We are proud of our reputation for delivering robust, reliable and effective solutions on time and within budget.

We have also authored a number of innovative products specifically for Caché and M systems, all of which have originated from (and have evolved within) real-world applications.
Our products have been designed to increase development productivity, enhance system performance and improve the way in which end-users interact with your application.
All of our products are currently deployed, and have an established track record, in high-performance, business-critical systems.